Enterprise Mobility
The rapid spurt of mobile device adoption in the enterprise and the exponential growth of wireless networks have transformed business models incrementally. Implementing a mobile organization requires breaking organizational siloes to bring together people, technology and security. A modern digital workplace helps increase employee productivity, empower communication and collaboration, reduce costs and provide a personalized consumer experience.
FSPL provides cost effective, security-rich solutions that includes social collaboration tools like email, instant messaging, web conferencing for customers to define a comprehensive mobility strategy as blueprint to achieve organizational objectives.
Sales Force Automation – FSPL uses this process to automate business tasks such as inventory control, sales processing, and tracking of customer interactions, as well as analyzing sales forecasts and performance
Mobile Application Development – Futuresoft excels into development of application software on mobile devices. We develop, deploy and manage mobile apps, which allow developer to write, test applications into the target platform environment.
Mobile Device Management – This process optimizes functionality and security of mobile devices within the enterprise, while simultaneously protecting the corporate network. FSPL has extensive capabilities into mobile device management with vast functionalities and security measures as per user’s requirements.
Secure Mobile Access – With the help of this solution, FSPL protects the corporate network from mobile security threats, such as unauthorized access to data and malware attacks.
Mobile Application Integration – FSPL is expert into offering easy mobile application, which can be integrated and enabled well with cloud platform across enterprise systems for faster creation of digital services.